My last moments

Note: Whenever I say 'I' in this piece, it is not 'me'. I am not impersonating the person I parody here. Please don't hurt me.

I hate to have to write this. I have done it so many times before. But I have no choice.
I'm a loner. I'll be frank. I used to guard the great █ wiki, but no more. I used to be so much.
My story is so vague, even I don't understand it. In May, something went wrong. I said I would demote myself, but, becuase i'm a pussy, I didn't. (Side note: Didn't Nigel Farage do the same thing?) During this same month, I signed up for a website I had abandoned back in 2012. I met an old boyfirend - I mean friend, and we hung out in Da hood for a while. Instead of hanging out for 10-20 mins, we hung out for an hour. A WHOLE HOUR. THATS LONGER THAN I SPENT AT SCHOOL. anyway, because I panicked I gave my mother the excuse I had social anxiety disorder. She didn't want me being locked up in a metal asylum so she just spanked me and sent me to my room. The person I mentioned had blocked me on the site, and my Mom told me this person was the cuase for this problem. I asked my inconsiderate bitch mom mom for help again but she got angry. [ We had a fight] and she threatend to break my neck. anyway, thats the reason for my first inactivity blog. I spen't most of my time Jacking myself off to my thoughts. 
After that palava, I fell even further. I got bitchy at my family. I never acted happy with them (not that I did anyway.), I got lippy with them, and I just acted like a total DICK. Then my mum tried to help me at a baseball game, but I was like FUCK THAT SHIT and I pushed her away. At this point things went from 'bad' to 'VERY FUCKING BAD.'. I couldn't even start up a conversation with anyone. I tried to talk to someone at a festival, and, well, even with my parents around I couldn't talk to anyone.
After the festival, I started to become a dick. I banned someone just because I was concerned of their behaviour.  After doing that, I got harrased offsite, with people talking behind my back :(. Someone messaged me wishing death and pain on me, made me cry, yeah get used to it. I then started to blacklist people on the spinpasta wiki, because i'm dumb and I got banned. I was labbelled as a mentally handicapped person.
During the last few days, I started being a rebel, skipping family activities, except for all the good ones. I tried to slowly kill myself by binge eating SERIOUSLY?. All I feel now is pain. As I try to get rid of this feeling, I cannot get rid of it towards one person. These times are, AND I QUOTE, 'Liek an STD to me, It goes away for a few days, but it stays for good.". I don't want to leave, but by one user, I was given three options. The option I chose was to leave the wiki, so someone doesn't make me leave. I hate to leave in these hard times, but I must. I want to be ensured I get my illegitimate admin position back when I come back.
Will this cure my pain? I have high hopes, but I do know that it'll relieve all of the stress that I had suddenly got from this site.  See you all when I get unblocked!
Rest In peace, Fatal Disease.